Since 1860 Agricultural Shows have been a part of our region's life and development.
The Bathurst A,H&P Assoc. has been actively pursuing the development of our rural life and industry since 1862. Although we have had our ups and downs, the BAH&PA through its governing body the Show Council remains committed to our objectives and traditions.
Our 150th anniversary year show was another huge success with many saying it was the best in years. The Fireworks alone were worth the trip to the grounds and we are still getting thanks from many Bathurstians for the great display that the entire city enjoys. Planning is well under way for the 145th ROYAL BATHURST SHOW to be held on 12-14 April but it is never too late to thank our Sponsors, Exhibitors, Patrons, Competitors and the wonderful people of Bathurst and the Central West of NSW for supporting us. Thanks everyone for helping make 2012 great and being part of the 'best show in the west'.
Fax: 02 6332 2652